Dun and Bradstreet spent millions of dollars in 12 months trying to figure out what was the one thing that caused businesses to fail. What’s the one thing that causes businesses to fail? In this video we’ll be talking about what that one thing is and how you can fix it.
I was at a seminar a few weeks ago, and I saw Simon Reynolds speak, and Simon was talking about this report that Dun and Bradstreet had spent 12 months going through. What they were trying to identify was what was the one thing, what was the one thing that causes businesses to fail? After 12 months worth of research and multimillion dollars invested into the project, they’ve realized that the one thing that causes businesses to fail is not enough sales.
This might sound pretty obvious to you and me, and we might not have needed to spend a million dollars and 12 months to figure that out. But, most people in their businesses aren’t spending enough time making sure that they get enough good quality leads, and they’re converting those leads into consulting clients. So I work with a few hundred consultants and help them grow their consulting practices, and what the single difference between successful and unsuccessful consultants is the way in which they set up their sales and marketing process.
If you’re not spending enough time with your sales and marketing, your business will struggle. However, when you get the right process, you can earn really great revenue, 40 to 60 thousand dollars extra a month just by getting the right process in as little as three days per week. So if you need help growing your consulting practice, let’s have a quick ten minute chat. Click the link below, book yourself in. I’ll see if and how I can help you. Do that now and I’ll see you on the other side.