If you want to build a thriving business in the modern age, there are two real options…
One is clean and one is a little more dirty…
One… Go on the quest of self preparation, so that one day you are ready to lead your field…
Two… Become a cult leader…
The people who have cult leader status today got there by following a single strategy…
The strategy is DO… And then REPORT…
In other words, they didn’t prepare…
They just got dirty…
Made mistakes… And learned from them…
And most importantly… They shared the journey with a group of followers…
Their followers weren’t looking for a perfect leader. They were looking for someone with the balls to do the thing they were afraid to do.
The thing they were afraid to do was lead…
People are afraid to lead because they feel they are not ready… They feel they need to iron out their flaws.
But… To be a leader you don’t need to hide your flaws. It actually helps to have them.
Without flaws, your audience won’t relate to you.
That’s why super heroes from the comic books all had a weakness.
Imagine Super Man without the weakness to Kryptonite…
It would be a pretty predictable and boring story if was perfect.
But as soon as he’s all messed up and suffering, we feel his humanness…
We relate.
Anyway, you get the point.
Becoming a cult leader is a good thing.
It requires little to no preparation apart from the skill set you’ve got.
There is nothing to fix within yourself.
Just a willingness to be human, and to help those in need… And maybe get paid well for it…
Ironically, the role of cult leader has far less pressure and a far greater reward than the path of perfecting oneself.
Choice is yours.
Follow the path that needs perfection before productivity.
Or, become a cult leader.
(Insert secret hand shake here)